Our children’s book is finally available from Amazon Books and we are anxious to get it out to the schools and the public. The book is unique, as it focuses on the many element’s trees provide to support life, including human life, on our planet. The tree is explaining to the children the complex connections people share with trees, which sustain life on Mother Earth. One example is, trees provide much of the life-sustaining oxygen we require as they convert carbon dioxide into food for themselves. Others include the storage of carbon dioxide, the purification of our water supplies, prevention of soil erosion and impacts on weather conditions.
The book is different as it presents a top-down education process by first introducing the reader to the problem and then providing the scientific evidence required to understand the relationships and connections we share with trees. This new approach introduces the reader to the link between scientific information and the human elements, so the child begins to appreciate the importance of the natural world. The book will introduce educators to the importance of linking human requirements to our expanding scientific data base. In the past, I have had the opportunity to participated in environmental education classes studying biology, forests and trees. The students were learning about the biological science relating to trees, but were not receiving information on the complex relationships trees share with other life systems. If we are truly interested in the future of our planet, we must establish a strong understanding and appreciation for the natural world in today’s youth.
Although our youth are critical, I am also concerned about the education of our future forest scientists. We must start by educating forest scientists in forestland management rather than natural resource management. The wealth of a country is not measured by its gross national product but by the number of secure, wise and generous people and the health of its environment. Our focus must be on maintaining the important elements that support life systems on earth instead of managing the resources from the forests. It is not enough to think of Earth as a storehouse of natural resources, our responsibility is to understand the complexity of the natural world and the relationships we share so we can participate in the transformation which is still occurring. The expanding world population is placing unbelievable pressure on our remaining forestlands and the predictions by the US Census Bureau, suggest major concerns for the future. Continued loss of forest cover is one of the top environmental issues we face worldwide. Appling PRESERVATION principles will continue to exacerbate the problem as will current sustained yield principles defined by Gifford Pinchot’s CONSERVATION concepts. The future requires scientists with a strong understanding of the importance of our remaining natural world and the knowledge to apply the tools and techniques that will enhance the health and effectiveness of our remaining forest communities. Accomplishing our stewardship responsibilities for the natural world will require intensive management, particularly of our remaining public forested lands.
Education is essential in developing a population which appreciates the critical importance of our natural surroundings and the required adjustments we all need to participate in. Our book is one small effort intended to highlight the important required changes. Starting with our youth whose minds are open, appears to be the best way. Renowned Harvard Biologist, E O Wilson states, “While most people around the world care about the natural environment, they don’t know why they care, or why they should feel responsible for it.” This attitude must change! Failure to act will result in unacceptable impacts on Earth causing the potential loss of 80% of all life. Dr. Wilson points out, “The organisms most affected are likely to be the larger and most complex, including human beings.”
We stay focused on what we do can to help, but we need you to join and create a Nationwide movement to make the changes required for a more desirable future! We plan to reach out to public school systems and present programs to highlight the new book and a different way of introducing our youth to the natural world. I’M JUST A TREE – LIFE DEPENDS ON ME! ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED FOR NOTHING IS ITS SELF WITHOUT EVERYTHING ELSE! THE EXTENT OF DIVERSITY IS THE MEASURE OF PREFECTION! THE RESTORATIVE POWERS OF OUR NATURAL WORLD WILL BE REALIZED ONLY WHEN WE ARE ABLE TO USE THESE SAME POWERS WITHIN OURSELVES! THE FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT EACH OF US ARE WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE!