If change is to occur, the first thing that must take place is an acceptance of the need to rekindle our intimate respect past cultures have had for the sacredness of the Universal community, Earth community and Human community. Todays focus on the individual success and greed at the expense of the community needs, will have to change. Corporate and economic communities are unable to make these major adjustments, thus our religious institutions must play a strong role in re-establishing our sacred relationships and respect for the magic of creation! Our human technologies must function in an integral relationship with Earths technologies, which requires our religious and secular worlds work together to support a common understanding of the complex story of creation and our connection to the natural world.
Our future does not rest on new and better science but, re-tracing the footsteps of our ancestors and other cultures, who understood the reverence of the natural world and our human dependence upon that world!
What is next?