Since retirement, I have continued to read, study and analyze what has, and is, happening with our valuable natural world, which we depend upon for our own survival. As I have stated before, it is not a lack of scientific knowledge or technology that is the problem, it is our destructive cultural values that are demanding more from "Mother Earth" than she is capable of providing. The paramount question that arises today is, "So, what can and are we willing to do?"
The facts have been presented on numerous occasions by scientists and authors, yet nothing seems to change. We even have several case studies to review of past civilizations and societies that have failed and collapsed, over the past many thousands of years on this planet. Why do we refuse to deny the destruction we have done to this planet when it results in totally unacceptable future conclusions?
My field is forestry and to have any credibility, I must stay within this field. I truly believe forestry must be given top priority if we are going to provide for future generations. Forest land managers today, and future forest scientists, must find the courage to challenge the current emphasis on managing the resources we can take from the forests, to an emphasis on managing our remaining complex forest communities that make up our natural world. Life on this planet, of which we are but a small part, demands far more than what we are providing!
So, are you willing to push aside the greedy approach for the economic values we can extract from the forests, and replace it with a recognition of our human requirements for healthy diverse forested lands for survival of life on this magnificent planet? What can you do, and more importantly, WHAT WILL YOU DO? I am confident the solution will not be found in better science and technology, or a trip into space!