Our goal is to introduce students to the facts surrounding our dependence upon our natural world and provide an in depth appreciation for the need to live in balance with the
limits of Mother Earth. We have made numerous contacts with members of our Native American culture, along with individuals with special interest and knowledge of our important connection to our natural surroundings. With the help of these people and our experience and research, we feel this documentary can present a compelling story to help awaken the need for adjusting how we manage our remaining forested lands and our thirst for the resources our natural world provides.
In addition to the excitement of this film opportunity, I spent much of my time this past winter re-writing parts of my book, " Trees of Life- Our Forests in Peril". I felt the need to present a deeper discussion of the environmental problems we face with our current approach to management of our forested lands and follow that discussion with a more detailed look at how we might find management concepts that will lead to a more desirable future for our species. The second edition is at the printers now and should be available by the end of this month. It will be available through Amazon Books.
Although, these next two months will be busy, I will do my best to keep this blog going. In the mean-time, stay alert to any attempts by the new administration to transfer our valuable public lands to the States. This would be a devastating blow to the Citizens of our country, and the concept is included in the platform for the current administration.