Throughout my life, I have heard discussions over the concept of evolution between those that interpret the Biblical stories of creation and those that rely on the scientific data. Understanding the influence our Western religious beliefs had on the development of modern day scientific data, allows us to realize there is no conflict between the two systems. There are a few words that have been translated over the years that may suggest differences but, laying that aside, the stories are the same. One example is the word "dominion", which religious scholars today tell us the proper translation is "caring or stewardship".
Thomas goes on to explain the complexity of creation as a Universal community where life on Earth depends upon relationships we share with other planets such as the sun. "The whole universe together participates in the divine goodness more perfectly than any single creature". " The greater the differentiation the greater the perfection of the whole, since perfection is in the interaction of diversity; the extent of the diversity is the measure of perfection".
As I expand my understanding of the Natural World, I begin to see the awesome complexity of our natural surroundings and the multitude of relationships we require for life. With over 15 Billion different species, all connected and required to complete the life cycle on our planet, I realize modern science is missing this necessary knowledge base. I realize more each day that cultures that lived close to nature had to understand these relationships so as to survive in this complex world. It is apparent that managing our remaining natural surroundings requires preserving and enhancing the DIVERSITY that was present in original creation! The science of forestry does not have an adequate understanding and focus on the complexity of individual forest communities and is continuing to destroy bio-diversity. Projected increases in our worldwide population will obviously continue the devastating human impacts we are experiencing through deforestation. Major changes must be implemented soon! Dr. Berry states; " Acceptance of the universe as a self-emergent evolutionary process is one of the greatest challenges facing the Western civilization in establishing an intellectual and religious life orientation". "We have therefore lost whatever intimacy we had previously with the surrounding universe".