To understand the magnitude of the problems, I believe we must first understand the detail and complexity of the magic of this thing we call life. Science has identified several billion different species that inhabit our planet and we are told, that we have discovered less than 20% of the species that live in the seas and on the lands. According to the last statistics I saw, we are losing about 4000 species yearly and discovering 10,000 to 15,000 new species annually. Although, I sometime question this next statement when I am fishing during the black fly season, every individual species fills a necessary niche in this complex mystery of the circle of live. These facts demonstrate the importance of diversity in the creation of life on this planet. Life could not exist or function without the diversity of species, and even the diversity between individuals within each species. Consider the human species. Societies could not function were it not for the fact, that each individual is born with a unique set of talents and skills that allow them to contribute to the diverse requirements of the society. I view a forest community in the same way. Visit a forest community that has been allowed to regenerate by natural seed sources and view the diverse species and age classes that exist. Each community has unique and different plant and animal species present and a different mix of relationships present. The knowledge of this complexity must be understood before we begin the process of management! The main thing that stands out for me is the necessity of DIVERSITY in sustaining life in the future!
We are going to have to continue this discussion the next time, as there are many more facts that must be considered before we can appreciate the need for change for the future!!