Let's start by reviewing some simple facts that amplify our human connectedness and dependence on trees, forests. First, we know that to produce one pound of wood fiber requires 1.47 pounds of carbon dioxide, and during the production of the wood fiber, the tree releases 1.07 pounds of oxygen to the atmosphere. One single tree produces enough oxygen in 12 months to keep two humans alive for one year. We also know that the majority of clean water we humans require comes from our remaining forested lands, and that trees and plants scrub our air of the poisonous toxins our industries and urban areas are pouring into the air we breath. Trees and plants also make a significant contribution to the prevention of soil erosion and add required nutrients to soil productivity. In 2007 the Department of Agriculture published "The Report on Abuse" where a group of scientists and economists were assigned the task of determining the economic contribution trees, forests, make to the human environment. The report states that one single tree over a fifty year life cycle contributes almost $162,000.00 to our required environment. Compare this to the, at best, few hundred dollars in goods and services one tree can provide in economic value. Yet our focus remains on what we can take from the forests, not what forests need to remain healthy and vigorous.
Next, we must recognize that the world population is expanding at a rate that will intensify the demands being placed on our remaining forests. October 2011 the world population exceeded seven billion and is expanding at almost 78 million every year. Couple these facts with the fact we are an aging population with the fastest growing age class now being the 90 plus group and it become obvious the principles of "preservation" have out-lived their consideration!
The next fact we must consider is that our planets land mass was once 60% to 70% covered with forests, today it is slightly less than 30%, a loss of at least 50%. To continue to focus on what we can take from our forests, "Conservation-Wise Use", is also leading us to a future we cannot accept. WHAT WE HUMANS HAVE CREATED WE MUST HELP REVERSE! Our footprints have been so heavy, NATURE can not repair the environment without our help, MANAGEMENT! We must focus our efforts by defining goals and objectives that provide healthy, vigorous and diverse forest communities with unique scientific prescriptions that will produce the desired future conditions we humans require. The by-produces of "NATURE'S WAY" will be the goods and services that result from scientific application of management tools and techniques!