Looking to 2018!
The problem is; we are focused on the individual rather than the whole. Our worldwide corporations are focused on individual profits and individual’s success within the company, even religion is focused on redemption of the individual at the expense of creation. We educate our youth to succeed as individuals in a complex society, rather than the need for team solutions and public benefits. Our founding fathers set up a democratic system where elected representatives are supposed to solve issues for the good of the whole however, today’s political process appears to have changed direction considerably. Running for a political office today costs millions, even billions, resulting in the major focus now being on raising the funds required to win an election. The result has been to change the focus from the public to the individuals that provide the funding required to run a successful campaign. Even our science and technology tends to focus on new ways to improve our life style for the individual with little, if any, consideration for long term effects on the natural elements that sustain life. We continue to be told not to worry about the future as science and technology will provide the answers, yet history shows us that advancements in science and technology tends to accelerate the destruction of our life sustaining natural world!
What can we look forward too? Will we ever be able to change our selfish concerns for ourselves and begin to consider what this world will provide for future generations? Can we resolve to make a difference in 2018?
The changes we are talking about will take time, for there are no over-night fixes. Continuing with our current life styles will only limit or reduce our options and abilities to resolve life sustaining environmental issues! Time is working against us! My hope is 2018 will provide the opportunity to convince more people of the importance of becoming involved in searching for the solutions that will improve the outlook for life on this planet! The story of creation is far more complex than most of us have ever considered, and requires in-depth study and understanding if we are to make logical choices for the future. We simply cannot properly manage our natural world for the benefit of human life, until we can appreciate our connection and dependency upon that natural world!
What can you do? Search for truth and knowledge, spread the word, particularly to our youth and above all USE the power of your vote. MONEY MAY BE OVERLY INFLUENCING OUR CURRENT POLITICS BUT, MONEY CANNOT BUY OUR VOTES!