I am in the process of doing a second edition of my book, "Trees of Life - Our Forests in Peril". I decided to re-write chapters 6 and 7 to provide more detail on the problems we face and actions that might help provide a better future for life on Earth. The past three years have provided an opportunity to read and analyze the work of several authors and scientists who are considered experts in the field of natural resource management and human connections to nature. This research has given me a deeper understanding of my concerns with current forest management, as well as magnified the importance of finding ways to live in balance with Earth.
I have come to the conclusion, that our political process is focused on the wrong environmental issue. Our media is constantly reporting on the disagreements our politicians are having over "climate change". Some argue that climate change is the dominate environmental issue while others argue, science is wrong and humans have had no impact on the changing climate conditions. There should be no disagreement that we are experiencing changes in climate conditions world wide however, these changes are the result of other environmental issues, some natural and some human caused.
If we are going to provide a more desirable future for life on our planet, I believe we must focus our efforts on population expansion, water quality and quantity, and deforestation. These are the issues that cause changes in our weather patterns and conditions.
Within just 35 years our world population will reach 10 BILLION! What will the impact be on the natural resources we demand from Earth?
We are deforesting the equivalent of 20 football fields every minute, worldwide! Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change!
There is very little clean water on our planet that does not require significant purification, and aquifers are slowly drying up in some locations.
A clearly defined and accepted problem allows us to focus and work together to identify meaningful solutions! Your help is required to assist with problem definition and acceptance! Our work for 2017 is clear!