I just lost the use of my right hand as a result of surgery this past week so, no right hand for 6 weeks. Will try to keep up with the left hand.
In my last blog, I indicated I was reading Dr. Diamond's book entitled, " Collapse". His research and findings strongly support and validate the concerns I have been expressing about current forest land management. Dr. Diamond presents the historical documentation of several past societies ( that have failed ) and the reasons for their demise. The major causes of their failure are environmental issues with population expansion and deforestation being very important elements in each case study. It takes little, if any, imagination to observe the similarities between these past failed societies and the course our Western culture is on today. Are we destined to repeat the past or will we make the necessary adjustments to avoid these catastrophic events of the past?
Dr. Diamond presents several case studies of past societies that have failed, such as Easter Island, the Norris settlement of Greenland, the Mayan and the Aztec people. He goes on to provide examples of modern day cultures that could easily be faced with serious problems in the near future. China is hard pressed to feed it's expanding population and is helping to increase the rate of deforestation on our planet. Australia has extremely low productive soils and is having difficulty supporting an economic agricultural business. We have lost just over 50% of our original forested lands already and the health and condition of our remaining forested acres is critical. What Dr. Diamond fails to point out is that today our entire planet share the environmental components that support the human species worldwide. With 7.5 billion people and the fact that our planet rotates every 24 hours, we have reached a global requirement for solutions that bring us in balance with Mother Earth's capabilities. I am convinced the solutions must come from the bottom up, as I do not see our political leaders being willing or able to provide the leadership required to provide a desirable future for our people!