My retirement years have been dedicated to developing a deeper appreciation for the natural world and humanity’s dependence upon that world for the sustenance of life. Anyone that takes the time to review the scientific facts, must accept the truth about mankind’s destruction of Nature. It started with slow gradual changes that most people classified as progress. The 1850’s ushered in the Industrial Revolution and significant increases in population numbers. The changes also began to concentrate developed countries populations in urban areas where the factories and jobs were available. Today, 82% of the United States population is considered urban, and many believe the food source is the local grocery store instead of the rural farms and ranches. Many, now believe humanity’s intelligence and advanced technology allows us to dominate, conquer and manipulate planet Earth’s energy and resources to provide for the future. The truth is our planet has natural limits which are being stressed to the point we will exceed Earth’s carrying-capacity in just 28 to 30 years.
We are flooded daily with concerns over inflation, voter rights, division, abortion, green energy, emigration, climate change, gun control and the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong, these are all important issues that require solutions, but nothing compared to the most critical issues humanity has ever faced! Population expansion and deforestation will result in the loss of life on Earth if we fail to implement significant changes in the demands we are placing on Earth. 80 percent of all living organisms on Earth require forests (trees) to survive, and only 26% of Earth’s original forest cover remains. We are continuing to deforesting the equivalent of 20 football fields every minute worldwide. Science projects that 10 billion people worldwide, will stress the ability of Earth to sustain. We are currently approaching 8 billion and increasing by 75 million people annually.
People on the North American Continent require 20 acres to support their standard of living, yet there are only 4.2 acres available for each person worldwide. It is also true that the land base is shrinking as a result of raising ocean and sea levels due to warming water temperatures. Since 1880, ocean levels have risen 9 inches, and science tells us that within the next 50 years, 12.5 percent of Florida’s homes will be flooded out. Earth’s atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is at 400 ppm, which is the highest level in the last 800,000 years. Only three percent of Earth’s ecosystems are considered to be intact and functioning properly.
These facts are disturbing and should be of major concern, however my biggest concern is the fact that our political system is so broken, I question whether we can find leadership to begin finding solutions to the two largest issues humanity has ever faced. We have invested 250 years in developing the democratic principles that govern the United States of America, and our government is responsible only to the citizens of this great country. In other words, we are the government, and the political process is way we elect public servants to represent us. They have only two responsibilities, establish reasonable regulations which allow our country to function based upon the rule of law, and pool our economic resources and energy to solve complex issues and problems we cannot resolve individually. Our government is not broken, our political process is. Politics has become a game of power and control, rather than a process for resolving complex problems. Today, politicians spend millions of dollars to secure a position that pays up to $275,000 annually, and Presidential candidates spend as much as two billion dollars to campaign for a $400,000 a year position. The majority of these candidates require large sums of money, from donors, to compete in political races. They are then expected to favor the donors’ desires rather than the American citizens. Public financing of elections is the only way to reverse this major problem!
The fact is most politicians today, are unwilling to tackle complex issues for fear of losing their next election. Their own interests and their financial donor’s needs, take precedent over public needs. Consequently, they deny the issue exists or ignore the need to become involved in the debate. Even our Supreme Court has turned from interpreting the Rule of Law, too making decisions based upon political possessions. Recently the Court, ignored 50 years of precedence, and placed limits on women’s rights, and just today removed the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to carry-out their responsibilities to protect the natural world from human destruction. People who receive power through their elected or appointed positions, now focus on their individual desires and benefits, and the needs of special interests, with no concern for the future of our human species.
I deal only with facts that have been tested and confirmed, in my effort to alert the public to current conditions. I am simply a person whose career, observations and studies have enlightened me to the most serious environmental issues humanity has ever faced. It is important we make adjustments in our current life styles, so future generations have the opportunity to share the life style benefits we have enjoyed. I am appalled at how our political system, and now even our Supreme Court, has deviated from facts and truth for political expediency. It is beyond belief, that two of our governmental institutions, who have protected the democratic principles of the Constitution of the United States for over 200 years, have now lost credibility with the American citizens. Even the two houses of the congress appear to be fighting over truth and fiction. I cannot believe that one of our traditional party’s is, today, attempting to gain autocratic control by spreading false information to American voters. Efforts are even under way to allow State Legislatures to disregard the popular vote and select different Electoral College delegates that do not represent the States popular voting results.
Where will the leadership come from? It will require the voters to exercise their Constitutional Voting Rights, by electing true public servants. Unfortunately, we are so divided and our voting rights under threat of being limited, I question our ability to make the required adjustments. We can only hope our people see the truth and are energized to demand changes that restore Democracy by voting for candidates with integrity, commitment to democratic principles, honesty and commitment to public service. “We the People” are the government! Politicians work for us and when they fail, they must be replaced. The best solution is term limits for members of Congress! Public agencies and institutions must refocus their efforts on managing the Natural World for the public if we are to enjoy a desired future for those to come! YOUR VOTE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCED! CHANGE MUST COME FROM THE BOTTOM UP!