About a week ago I had an interesting discussion with Alexander Watson, CEO of Open Forests, an International consulting firm out of Bonn, Germany. I met Alexander over the internet and was pleased to learn of his work and interest in some of my concepts of forest management. The company has been doing a lot of work in Central America and South America where deforestation is advancing much to rapidly. Money from the large timber companies has been enticing the indigenous people to sell large acreage of forested lands and then clear more forest lands for agricultural purposes.
Our world population is increasing at more than 75 million every year,and so to expect a reduction in demands placed on our remaining forested lands is, obviously unrealistic. We may be able to slow deforestation slightly, but as the population grows, the demand for land and food will require a continuation of an unacceptable rate of deforestation world wide. There is but one option left, intense management of our remaining forested lands with the focus on the maintenance and improvement of forest health and diversity! We must manage these communities to a state where they are able to contribute, more than they have contributed in the past, to the human environment. Everyone of us must pull together to initiate the required changes for the future. These adjustments cannot wait for tomorrow!!