We are continuously being bombarded with opinions over global warming and climate change. Seems to be two of the top issues for debate in the media today. Science continues to provide data supporting the gradual warming of our atmosphere and there are reports, almost daily, of severe weather conditions which are more prevalent than we can remember in our past. Even with the volumes of advanced scientific knowledge and technology, which has allowed us to measure changing conditions, the debate seems to intensify whether climate conditions actually are changing and if so, why? The next looming question is; if these adverse changes are occurring, can we do anything about it? This question highlights one of the major reasons why there is little desire to find solutions to these issues. No matter how hard we search, any effort to protect the natural world requires significant changes in our life styles. It will result in economic changes in the global economy and profitability for our corporate world. Deniers of global warming and climate change are deeply involved in the debate to protect their profitability rather than worry about prolonging life systems on our planet. To many of the environmental groups, organizations and individuals take extreme positions following the concepts of “Preservation”, as defined by John Muir, which would require unacceptable changes in life styles for the world’s population. Preservation may have had merit 100 years ago, but with 7.5 billion people now occupying planet earth, it is no longer feasible and our options have become more limited.
I believe the biggest reason the debate continues to expand is the two concerns involved are the results, not the problem. You must first define the problem and gain acceptance by the public if you hope to find solutions. The defining problems in this case are population expansion and deforestation. Both of these problems are on a course to continually expand if we fail to implement solutions soon. There are no new lands to discover and the demands we have placed on the existing land base in the past, has resulted in devastating impacts upon our natural world. Industrialization is continuing to accelerate the damage to Mother Earth. The U.S. Census Bureau has predicted an increase in world population of 2.5 BILLION people in just 30 years. The rate of deforestation is projected to accelerate as the demand for agricultural lands increases and urbanization continues to demand more land for homes and skyscrapers. How long can we ignore the reality of the destiny of creation before it is too late? Confirming population statistics is simple and modern technology provides easy access to the facts that define our remaining forest cover. It is time to stop debating the null alternative and focus on the two looming problems the people of Earth are faced with! Individualism must give way to a strong concern for the community, so together we can find the path to a more desirable future. Our political leaders have lost their way and are unable to see the vision our founding fathers had when they established this egalitarian democratic system of government, for and by the people! The first step is to define, present and gain acceptance of the two over-whelming problems - population expansion and deforestation! Only then can we join together to identify acceptable and meaningful solutions that will provide the path for future generations!
Our alienation with the natural world has resulted in it becoming an obscure thought in the back of our minds that receives little, in any, consideration of the important role it plays in all life systems. We are infatuated with our mechanical society that provides our daily needs and pleasures, but it is incapable of fulfilling our human life sustaining requirements. Earth does not belong to us and the natural world is an undeniable reality that demands stewardship and care by humanity! The story of Creation is magical, but without human stewardship and care-taking, Revelations presents the story of the destiny of Creation.