The other exciting discussion occurred on the internet, "linkedin", connection. A person from Spain raised the question on "How much do you know about the awesomeness of Forests?" I responded with some facts on the value of trees and their contribution to the human environment. One tree produces enough oxygen in one year to keep two people alive for a whole year. One acre of trees stores the amount of carbon dioxide produced by driving a car 26,000 miles. In 2007, the "Report on Abuse", assigned economic values to the contribution one tree, over a 50 year life cycle, makes to the human environment equals $162,000.00. I later added facts on the world wide population expansion and yearly rates of increase. If you have checked the new video on my website, you are aware of the Top 5 Environmental issues we face world wide. Number one is population expansion and number three is deforestation. Certainly the demands on our remaining forested lands will not reduce significantly! Proper management is the only opportunity available to address these issues. NATURES WAY focuses on the need to achieve healthy diverse forests and the results will provide the valuable products from the forests.
The simple question about the awesomeness of forests generated response from several countries including Pakistan, USA,United Kingdom. India and Italy. It is exciting to see that people throughout the world share concerns about our forests. Together we can insist on much needed changes in how we manage our remaining forests to achieve the desired future our species will require!