Recently, I have been corresponding with several forest scientists on the internet. One of the newer thoughts has been to push the concept of " Sustainability" for the management of natural resources and our remaining forests. The concept of "sustained yield" in forestry was introduced back in the 1880's and 90's by early forestry leaders, ( if we don't harvest more than we grow each year we can provide a continual flow for future generations). Sustainability is fine , but it must be coupled with BALANCE within our environment. How do we develop a sustainable economy when people who live on the North American continent require 20 acres to produce the energy and production for each person, yet when you divide the total acres on the planet by the world population, there are only 4 acres available per person.
There is no simple answer, but certainly the time has arrived when all of us are being challenged to consider where we are going rather than how we improve our financial status! WHAT WE DO TO OUR FORESTS WE DO TO OURSELVES!