The issue of global warming and climate change has once again become a major concern for our country. Science is warning of dire consequences that will result in significant rises in ocean sea levels, increased catastrophic wildfires, warming temperatures and lose of a large number of living species of plants and animals. Should these predictions materialize it will, obviously, have devastating impacts on our human societies and economic systems. Few want to accept these conclusions, particularly the top 2% of our U.S. population that control 90% of our country’s wealth but, our planet has limits. It can only give so much.
I believe science has excelled in discovering facts about the creation of our universal community however, it has resulted in serious divisions between the sacred and secular bodies of our Western Society. Our search for knowledge about life, Earth and the Universe has been of paramount interest for thousands of years. I would suggest that human’s quest for answers to these questions, were the forces that resulted in the establishment of the various religions of the world. Most every culture and society, that has occupied some part of Earth, has developed a set of religious beliefs, primarily to satisfy their need to understand the mystery of life. One of the first question that arises is, how do we define religion? There appears to be no easy answer to the question. After reviewing pages of different efforts to define religion, I would define religion as; a set of spiritual beliefs about life, creation, morals and the mysteries of the unknown. Intelligent design requires the acceptance of the involvement of God, the Great Spirit in the process of Creation. Science has been unable to discover the factual link to support intelligent design and, is therefore, unwilling to support the concept. One, obviously, must believe there is a God to accept the concept of intelligent design.
The more I study, observe and analyze the complexity and detail of the natural world, the more convinced I am that this majestic planet was not an accidental occurrence but is in fact, the product of intelligent design. The intense debate over who is right and who is wrong, is a futile disagreement that is resulting in our inability to recognize and get on with the needed changes in our life styles, that will prolong human existence on planet Earth. Science now warns that if we are unable to make significant changes in our life styles within the next 12 years, it may be too late. Yes, I believe the supporting data for intelligent design is obvious through empirical observation of our natural world. The detail and complexity of this magical planet has been carefully planned, in fact, the deeper I search for an understanding of the life systems and detail of the natural world, the more convinced I become that our observations are proof of intelligent design. I also believe our reliance upon science and technology today, has resulted in the loss of our spiritual connection to Mother Earth, which existed when we were a rural society. The industrial revolution concentrated good paying jobs in densely populated cities and urban life drew us away from the land and the natural world. Many urban dwellers have been removed from the land so long, they lack knowledge, let alone concern, for the natural world. Where will we find the solutions?
I realize the kind of changes we must initiate will be difficult. It is evident however, that our thrust for wealth and fluency is attempting to convince us, life is constantly improving. Certainly, life styles are evolving but, we are on a devastating path of destruction of our life sustaining natural world. We have no choice but to come together and focus on these complex relationships, within our natural surroundings, that support life on Earth.
The time for debate is past and the Church, State and Science must assume a joint leadership role to establish a society that respects and cares for Mother Earth! The answers will not be found in new scientific discoveries and theories but, by reaching back to the traditional knowledge of our indigenous people and our ancestors, who lived on the land and understood the dependency we share with that land. What we do to Earth, we do to ourselves!