Governments are established for two primary reasons, first, large groups of people find it difficult, if not impossible, to live together without guidelines and regulations. We elect representatives to establish reasonable rules and regulations that allows individual freedoms, with logical safety for all. The other reason is problem solving. An expanding population is faced with major issues that are beyond their ability to resolve individually, unless they are able to pool their resources. Our country was built on the concept that you solve the problems at the level closest to the problem itself. As the problem grows in size and magnitude, it requires spreading the costs and impacts over a larger population and thereby, pushes the solution to a higher level of government. Take for example the health care issue, which is obviously a nation wide problem. States like Wyoming have only 400,000 residences to finance the issue as compared to New York with several million residences. It makes sense, that finding a cost effective and fair program requires a nation wide approach.
My concerns for the future, continue to increase as our political institutions appears to move in a more autocratic direction. Just seem like there is a need to make some significant changes.
Campaign financing might be a good starting point. In recent elections, one member found it necessary to spend $ 49 million just to hold on to his seat in the primary election. The last two presidential elections have seen each candidate spend up to $2 billion for a job that pays $400,000. 00 per year. The costs of obtaining one of these political appointments has become so astronomically expensive that 99% of the elected officials are deeply indebted to their wealthy supporters. who fully expected to repay, by acting on their behalf. In addition there are three lobbyists, paid by outside interests, for each member of Congress. Something needs to be done to our campaign finance laws to correct this situation.
The next problem is the fact that we have only two real choices. The American voter becomes frustrated with one party and votes in one party only to find we are not happy with the newly elected party so, we go back to the only other choice, which we were unhappy with just four years earlier. To correct this problem we need two significant changes; term limits on Senators and Congressmen and a competitive third party. We put a two term limit on the President but, allow Senators and Congressmen to make full time careers out of being a politician. Simply doesn't make sense!
When I started I suggested my concerns were increasing and I truly believe we are observing the erosion of our democratic principles. This is not the egalitarian democratic principles we learned from our Iroquois brothers and sisters back in 1744. We have long forgotten that it was the Iroquois Federation that formed the pattern for our democratic society and the writing of our constitution. Maybe we need to make a concerted effort to review our history and resurrect our democratic principles by insisting on changing current laws and regulations to encourage more competition in our election process and revise our campaign finance rules to eliminate the influence of just a few wealthy contributors.
Our system has worked much better in the past and can be restored for a better future if we come together and insist on the necessary changes!
What do you think?